Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been hurrying through the process. It took longer than I expected to get some of my edit copies back on my first book, and I was slightly miffed at the time. Now I'm supremely grateful for having been made to wait. Editing an 80,000 word book isn't a two month process... it's a six month process in which every sentence and word is analyzed. To the people who pre-read my book who felt hurried along by me, I apologize. '

You folks probably saved me a ton of regret with your pound of prudence.

All things considered, I'm excited to write a real second draft of the book. I think it deserves to have every word revisited, and every moment in the story scrutinized. It's obvious I missed a lot of opportunities and wrote over some things that should be transparent. Numenarch lost many chances to be warm, Hinth many opportunities to be cold and Grubbs a few moments of glory because I was vain enough to think I could skip the obvious process behind writing a great book.

Regardless, I am very blessed.


  1. I have been so slow. I should wait for the next edition.

  2. I'm with the C Dub. And I am a much better copy editor than I am a substantive one. I just think you are a great writer and am glad you are taking it on.
